Friday, May 18, 2007

Freelance Copywriter Secrets: Nine Ways Newsletters Pull In New Business

By Charles Brown

Its hard to imagine any business, organization or professional practice that couldnt realize dramatic results from publishing a well-written newsletter (either in electronic or paper form). As a freelance copywriter, one of my favorite projects is writing a newsletter for a client that wants to generate new profits and new exposure.

Here are a few ways a newsletter can make wonderful things happen to your organizations bottom line:

  1. A newsletter (actually any type of published information) positions you as an expert in your field. Given a choice, customers naturally take their business to the experts. Moreover, once you become perceived as an expert, business comes to you, so you have to spend less time pounding the pavements for new customers.

  2. As an add-on to becoming perceived as an expert, a newsletter can enable you to charge higher fees for your services and endure less negotiations over how much you charge. People expect to pay more for an expert, especially when they approach you.

  3. Assuming the recipient of your newsletter opted in or was referred by another reader, newsletters are a non-intrusive form of marketing. It does not create the annoyance of a cold call or the total disregard of most forms of ambush advertising.

  4. A newsletter can often take on the characteristics of viral marketing, in which one reader prints or forwards your newsletter to an associate. This requires that you write quality material your readers will find useful enough to pass along.

  5. Electronic newsletters cost nothing to produce except time.

  6. Generally a newsletter is the follow up for leads you generate by other means, such as a free offer or an ebook, but it can also generate its own leads if you occasionally offer additional information on a subject you write about.

  7. A newsletter can create a need for your services. Often your articles help readers to understand they have a problem they have never been aware of before. For example, if you are an attorney who specializes in estate planning, an article on how creditors can deplete your estate may cause a reader to realize a problem exists in his or her own estate and call you for help.

  8. A newsletter keeps your name and business in front of your readers minds. It might be years before they actually have a need for your services, but when they do you will be the first person they think of.

  9. The material your newsletter forces you to produce on a regular basis can later be recycled into articles for trade publications, booklets and even books. In every new form, the same material increases your exposure and has the potential to create new business.

Well-written newsletters are among the few marketing tools that never fail to set you or your organization apart from your competition. It places you on the top shelf of your potential customers minds and is a powerful way to pull in new customers and business.

freelance copywriter, freelance commercial writer

COPYRIGHT(C)2006, Charles Brown. All rights reserved.

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